"Body as Medium" is a publication project consisting of two stages. In the first stage, it aims to distribute the project outputs in booklet form to schools, libraries, and museums, providing visibility to emerging artists. In the second stage, it plans to develop an experimental publication format; by transforming the accepted works and theoretical writings into a portable exhibition, it seeks to reflect on the ways of displaying works and exhibition spaces. This portable format is designed to be exhibited in various venues. Initiated by senior students of the Faculty of Communication at Kadir Has University, the project aims to build a bridge between emerging artists, theorists, and wider audiences. Additionally, it seeks to expand the accessibility of young artists and bring art to more people by producing multiple editions.
This project accepts submissions from emerging artists, early-career academics, theorists, and art students who focus on the following theme and similar questions in their work:
How does technology change our perception of the human body?
How can technology redefine traditional ideas of beauty, form, and the body's function?
Can technology allow us to perceive new sensations and emotions?
We encourage contributions across a wide range of formats, including visual arts, theoretical texts, XR, and video in digital formats. Through this, we aim to explore the impacts of technology on the human body with an interdisciplinary approach and in a spirit of diversity.
Through this initiative, we aim to nurture emerging artists and present thought-provoking art to a broader audience, fostering dialogue and innovation in the art world. Join us as we reshape how art is created, distributed, and experienced.
We do not charge any application or participation fees.